New Models of Care Programme

NHS England and its national partners have announced a new programme to focus on the acceleration of the design and implementation of new models of care in the NHS.

As set out in the Five Year Forward View, which can be accessed at, rapid progress is needed to speed up the development of new care models for promoting health and wellbeing and providing care that can then be replicated more easily in other parts of the system.

Through the New Models of Care Programme, individual organisations and partnerships, including those with the voluntary sector, are invited to apply to be vanguard sites. These organisations will have the opportunity to work with national partners to co-design and establish new care models, tackling national challenges in the process.

Expressions of interest in becoming a New Model of Care vanguard site are being invited before the deadline of Monday 9 February.

For further information about each care model and guidance outlining the process and criteria for selecting sites visit

For any further queries email