Other youth related e-bulletins & resources

NCVYS has published the final edition of its Nectar e-bulletin, containing news from the sector. To downoload the e-bulletin visit www.ncvys.org.uk/UserFiles/NCVYSNectar_May2013.pdf.

NCVYS has produced a Funding Update for June, which brings together a range of funding opportunities and highlights funding with a focus on workforce development. To download the update visit www.ncvys.org.uk/UserFiles/Funding_June13.pdf.

The Department for Communities and Local Government has produced a short questionnaire on young people's participation in the community. The questionnaire is confidential and answers will help the Department get a better understanding of whether young people under 25 get involved in activities in their local area. To take part in the survey visit www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZMP6CKS.

The European Commission has published Youth Social Exclusion and Lessons from Youth Work: Evidence from literature and surveys, a report examined social exclusion suffered by young people in the European Union and the positive effects that youth work initiatives produced. To download the report visit http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/youth/tools/documents/social_exclusion_and_youth_work.pdf.

The Ministry of Justice has published its quarterly statistics update. Key figures relating to young offenders include that 28,711 under-18s entered the criminal justice system for the first time in 2012, a drop of 24 percent on the 2011 figure of 37,787; and the total number of young people sentenced for offences fell from 63,424 in 2011, to 47,515 in 2012. To download the report visit www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/203958/criminal-justice-stats-dec-12.pdf.

The Employment Related Services Association, the trade body for the welfare to work industry, has published figures on the Work Programme. The figures show that 88,000 young people on Jobseekers Allowance on the programme found work by the end of March 2013, and of those young people who had been on the scheme for at least a year, 45 percent had had a Job Start, while 49 percent of those who had been on the programme the longest had entered work. For further information visit http://ersa.org.uk/media/news/work-programme-helps-321000-long-term-unemployed-work.

New Philanthropy Capital has published The Journey to Employment, which aims to helps organisations that work with young people understand and measure the impact they have on the journey to employment. To download the report visit http://childrenengland.us6.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=14466961e06a4f2dfbaae3cf8&id=b49de2e7fe&e=f53ead63a5.

Coram Children's Legal Centre has published a report examining the impact of the age assessment process on young people in the immigration system. The report finds that the process is too long, too costly, too adversarial, and does not properly consider the needs of individuals. The report also explored ways of improving current processes and alternatives to addressing the issue which do not cause distress to children and young people. To download the report visit www.childrenslegalcentre.com/userfiles/file/HappyBirthday_Final.pdf.

The Joint Committee on Human Rights has published a report on Human Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Young People in the UK. The report states that unaccompanied children seeking asylum should be better cared for by the state, the system designed to identify which children had been trafficked was flawed and that many children brought to the UK to work or for sexual exploitation were not helped. To download the report visit www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/human-rights-committee/news/publication-of-first-report-human-rights-of-unaccompanied-migrant-children-and-young-people.

The Home Affairs Select Committee has published a report on Child Sexual Exploitation and the Response to Localised Grooming. The report states that recent criminal cases had highlighted multi-agency failures over child sexual exploitation. It also states that prevention and early intervention in cases of children at risk of sexual exploitation is essential and that all local authorities must ensure that there is sufficient funding for prevention within the budget of any multi-agency team tasked with tackling child sexual exploitation. To download the report visit www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/home-affairs-committee/news/130610-grooming-rpt-pubn.

The NSPCC and the University of Edinburgh have published research on services for young people displaying sexually harmful behaviour. The report looks at provision across the UK; good practice; and local and national guidance. Findings from the report include that there is a lack of specific advice for those working with younger children, girls, young people from BME groups and children with learning disabilities. To download the report visit www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/resourcesforprofessionals/sexualabuse/harmful-sexual-behaviour-pdf_wdf95465.pdf.

The International Development Committee has published a report on violence against women and girls with a focus on female genital mutilation. It urges police and social services not to let political and cultural sensitivities prevent them from protecting children from this crime and punishing the perpetrators. The report recommends a cross-agency approach which proactively tracks girls at risk and takes timely action to prevent it from happening. To download the report visit www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmintdev/107/107.pdf.

The Intergenerational Foundation has published No Entry! Transport barriers facing young people, which states that coalition government transport spending priorities were disadvantaging young people, denying them opportunities in work and education. Whereas support for concessionary fares for people aged over 60 was ring-fenced by government, similar support for young people between 16 and 19 was discretionary, with only one-third of local authorities outside London offered concessionary travel to young people. To download the report visit www.if.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/No_Entry_final_report_definitive.pdf.