One East Midlands 2018 annual event - post event page
The One East Midlands' annual event took place on Monday 26th November 2018 at the Hope Centre in Clifton.
Speakers on the day included:
- Board Member Laurie Moran on the East Midlands Inclusion Framework, commissioned and published by One East Midlands
- Rachel Quinn (Active Engagement Officer at the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership) on the role the VCSE plays in a 'flourishing' economy
- Phil Lakin (Third Sector representative on the National Growth Board Sustainability Sub Group and The National Trust European Grants Manager) on what we know and don't know about the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (which will replace European funding)
- Jane Howson (Chief Exectutive of Autism East Midlands and VCSE representative on the D2N2 LEP Board) on the role of VCSE representatives on Local Economic Partnerships
Download presentations from the day by following the relevant links below.