What we do

In this section of our website you can access information on our current and past projects including:


  • D2N2 LEP Active Engagement - One East Midlands supports the D2N2 LEP Active Engagement Officer to effectively engage with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to influence D2N2 policy development.   This includes organising and hosting engagement events, active engagement in the Social Inclusion and Equalities Advisory Group, hosting the Active Engagement Officer, and coordination of recruitment and selection of the Voluntary and Community Sector representative to the D2N2 Board.  For more information on the D2N2 LEP and the Active Engagement project, follow this link.
  • Better Data masterclasses - as a legacy of One East Midlands health work, a Better Data masterclass series has been developed to enable VCSE organisations to utilise publically available health data to support their business development work and funding applications.  Details of the masterclasses will be announced on the home page of our website.
  • East Midlands Voluntary Youth - One East Midlands continues to support the work of the East Midlands Voluntary Youth.  The Chair of EMVY is a board member of One East Midlands and continues to support two way dialogue with One EM and members.  For more information on East Midlands Voluntary Youth, follow this link.