Young people and politics
The British Youth Council has published the Youth Select Committee report 2014 on lowering the voting age to 16.
Key points include that:
- Whilst maturity is difficult to assess objectively, the evidence suggested that people aged 16 and 17 were mature enough to vote;
- There is evidence to suggest that lowering the voting age may improve political engagement amongst young people, as well as increasing their influence over government possibility;
- Lowering the voting age should be accompanied by a step change in political education, with increased funding for training and resources for citizenship teachers, as well as the introduction of a politics GCSE; and
- Lowering the voting age presents a unique opportunity to create permanent changes to the UK’s political culture.
To download the full report visit
The Preparing for Adulthood programme, run by NDTi and the Council for Disabled Children has created a new film, explaining the importance of involving young people in decision making. To view the film visit