Other youth related news, resources and funding opportunities
The Safe Network, which works to keep children and young people safe, has launched regional sections on its website containing information for voluntary sector groups tailored to each of the nine regions in England, including the East Midlands. Each of the regions has a set of pages providing details of local contacts, resources, case studies and events. To access the sections visit www.safenetwork.org.uk/about_us/regionalpages/Pages/regional-activity.aspx. To feedback on the pages and suggest resources and case studies that would be useful to include email enquiries@safenetwork.org.uk.
The Government has published a young person’s guide to the Children and Families Act 2014, with a summary of the main changes and provisions of the act and how they may affect children and families. To download the guide visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/young-persons-guide-to-the-children-and-families-act-2014.
ChildLine has published a spotlight report on suicide, which shows an increase in the number of children and young people contacting them about suicidal feelings. Over the last three years there has been 116 percent increase in the number of ChildLine counselling sessions about suicide. To download the report visit www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets/documents/research-reports/on-the-edge-childline-suicide-report.pdf.
The NSPCC has published a first evaluation of Turn the Page, its service for young people with harmful sexual behaviour. The service uses Change for Good, a manualised treatment programme developed for working with young males aged 12 to18. Findings include that young people found the most useful elements of the programme were that it gave them a better understanding of unacceptable sexual behaviour. For further information visit www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/research-and-resources/turn-the-page-first-evaluation.
The Child Protection in Sport Unit has published the International Safeguards for Children in Sport, which aim to outline things that should be in place in any organisation providing sports activities to children and young people. For further information visit https://thecpsu.org.uk/news/2014/october/ellie-simmonds-supports-launch-of-child-safeguards-to-make-sport-safer-for-children. To download the safeguards visit https://thecpsu.org.uk/resource-library/2014/international-safeguards-for-children-in-sport.
The Money for Life Challenge is a UK-wide competition for 16 to 24 year olds with teams able to apply for £500 grants to deliver innovative and impactful money management projects in their community. In the 2014/15 programme, 300 grants will be awarded across the UK. The most inspiring and impactful projects progress to the National Finals and the UK Grand Final and have a chance to win shopping vouchers, business mentorships and donations of up to £3,500 to a charity of their choice. The deadline for applications is Friday 21 November. For further information visit www.moneyforlifechallenge.org.uk.
The Rowing Foundation aims to promote the participation in rowing of young people, and the disabled of all ages. Grants of £500 to £2,000 are available to help organisations and clubs who are affiliated to British Rowing and who are unable to apply for Sport England funding. The deadline for applications is Monday 10 November. For further information visit www.therowingfoundation.org.uk.