Young people, crime and the criminal justice system
The Ministry of Justice has published the latest statistics on the population of children and young people in custody. Key findings include that for August 2014:
- The number of young people under 18 in the secure estate decreased by 54 on the previous month to 1,068;
- The number of young people including those aged 18 years old in the secure estate decreased by 54 on the previous month to 1,163; and
- The overall occupancy rate for the secure estate for children and young people, including those aged 18, was 76 percent compared to 80 percent from the previous month.
The Youth Justice Board has published Deaths of Children in Custody: Action Taken, Lessons Learnt, which explains actions taken by the Board in response to recommendations following the deaths of young people in custody since 2000.
The report identifies the work that still needs to be undertaken to ensure that when children must be held in custody, it is a safe environment which protects them from harm. To download the report visit
In addition, Youth Justice Board has published a Commitment to safeguard, which outlines how the Board uses good practice and oversight to help the youth justice sector carry out safeguarding duties. To download the commitment visit
The Youth Justice Board has also published joint guidance with the police on the role of the Youth Offending Team police officer. This guidance, which can be downloaded at, takes into account changes since 2010.
Domestic violence charity, CAADA, has published a report of evidence collected by frontline practitioners working with young victims of domestic abuse. The report details the young people's experience of domestic abuse, their needs and vulnerabilities, and also evidences outcomes achieved for these young people, including improvements in their health and well-being. To download the report visit