Local authority arrangements for youth provision

The National Youth Agency (NYA) has published a briefing providing a snapshot of local authorities' arrangements for open access, targeted and specialist youth provision.

The briefing, which is available at https://knowledgehub.local.gov.uk/signin?p_p_id=58&p_p_lifecycle=0&_58_redirect=%2Fc%2Fdocument_library%2Fget_file%3Fuuid%3D77478f65-336d-4dbe-bf08-52fba34dee62%26groupId%3D6286760, draws on the knowledge gained from the NYA's work with 50 local authorities between October 2011 and January 2013.

The NYA has also published case studies showing how local areas have been using funding to develop innovative approaches to youth provision. The case studies are available at