Collaboration resources
This webpage contains resources to help you with collaboration.
- The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) has published Thinking about…merger. The guide is written for organisations considering merger as a possible option
- NCVO has published answers to key questions entitled Should you collaborate?
- NCVO’s Collaborative Working Unit has published Partnerships between voluntary organisations, a model of collaborative working, entitled Working together to achieve your mission, and Joint working agreements a guide to developing agreements between VCS organisations
- NCVO’s Workforce Hub has published Staffing a collaborative project, containing guidance for VCS organisations
- As part of its compliance toolkit, the Charity Commission has published an Outline Partnership Agreement The Charity Commission has also published a Checklist for due diligence
Further resources will be available in this section shortly. Please keep checking back.
For further resources related to ERDF funding and One East Midlands Reach & Impact project visit
For further information about the Reach & Impact project visit