Young people and education

The Department for Education has launched a call for evidence on education, vocational training and youth for the government’s review of the balance of competences between the UK and the European Union.

The review will focus on policy cooperation in education, training and youth through the open method of coordination, as well as EU programmes to promote partnerships, links, mobility and the learning of languages.

For further information, including how to respond to the call by the closing date of Monday 30 June, visit

The Department for Education has published figures on participation in education and training by local authority, which show that:

  • 89.8 percent of 16 and 17 year olds were in education or training at the end of December 2013, compared to 87.9 percent at the end of December 2012, equivalent to 35,482 more young people; and
  • More than three-quarters of local authorities reported higher numbers of 16 and 17 year olds in education or training than the previous year.

To download the full figures visit

The Department for Education has also published statistics regarding the amount of children on Free School Meals who progressed on to university in 2010-11. Key findings include that:

  • 46 percent of young people claiming free school meals went to university;
  • 4 percent of young people claiming free school meals went to a Russell Group university, which are 24 leading research universities.
  • 0.01 percent of young people claiming free school meals went to Oxford or Cambridge;
  • The most advantaged 20 percent of young people are still seven times more likely to attend a Russell Group university, including Oxbridge, than the 40 percent most disadvantaged.

To download the statistics visit