Funding & Income

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The Coalition government has stepped up its process of decentralisation and devolution of power to local authorities and their communities. Local authorities will have the liberty to make decisions about allocation of resources free from central government guidelines. An increasing role for the VCS to deliver public services is expected. VCS organisations are expected to have a key role to play in identifying needs as well as delivering services. This page deals with policies that have an impact on funding, commissioning and procurement for the VCS.


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Click here for the latest events that might be of interest to EMFAN members.

Funding opportunities

Click here for the latest funding opportunities that might be of interest to EMFAN members.

Sector news

Click here for the latest sector news that might be of interest to EMFAN members.

Office for Civil Society maintains annual budget

The Office for Civil Society escaped cuts in the new Spending Round, with the government pledging to maintain its annual budget at £56million.

Summary of Spending Review 2013

On Wednesday 26 June, Chancellor George Osbourne unveiled his spending review, which is summarised below by the Charity Finance Group.

Public service delivery survey

Locality would like small VCS organisations to complete a short survey to help them understand barriers to contracting and opinions of the sector on the Right to Challenge.

How can the VCS tap into FE college funding opportunities – Post event page

EMFAN and the One East Midlands partnership project with New College Stamford, Closer Links, hosted this joint event on Thursday 13 June 2013 at the Nottinghamshire Deaf Society.

Inspiring Impact launches Code of Good Impact Practice

Inspiring Impact, the voluntary sector’s collaborative effort to mainstream good-quality impact reporting, has launched the UK’s first-ever Code of Good Impact Practice.

An introduction to Corporate Fundraising – Post Event Page

This joint workshop organised by the Institute of Fundraising East Midlands and EMFAN (East Midlands Funding Advice Network) and which took place in Leicester on Wednesday 5 June, aimed to provide delegates with an introduction to corporate fundraising.


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