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The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary and community sector (VCS) is hugely diverse and this section aims to bring together resources and information for the BME VCS. There is no one definition of a black and minority ethnic voluntary and community organisation (BME VCO). The BME voluntary and community sector is hugely diverse and whilst some organisations are quite clearly a part of the BME voluntary and community sector (like those delivering services to a targeted community), others sit more on the margin.

For some leadership and self determination is a defining factor, for others it is the drive to work with parts of the BME community suffering deprivation, exclusion and poverty. Some add it is not only who they work with but how they work with them.

Friendly Places mental health resources

FaithAction has produced a series of resources to help faith groups to make practical and positive steps towards becoming more mental health friendly.


Making the links: poverty, ethnicity and social networks

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has published research as part of its work on the links between poverty and ethnicity, and examines how social networks help or hinder people in moving out of poverty.


New guidelines for collaboration

Voice4Change England has launched key guidelines addressing how infrastructure organisations, funders and partners can work collaboratively with BME and refugee groups.


BME voice and influence

The Third Sector Research Centre has published a new paper, entitled ‘Very small, very quiet, a whisper' - Black and Minority Ethnic Groups: voice and influence.


Dementia in BME: meeting the challenge

This free one-day event on Wednesday 27 November in Birmingham, run jointly by the Race Equality Foundation and Age UK, will explore the role of the VCS in delivering better support for BME older people who have dementia.


Dementia in BME: meeting the challenge

This free one-day event on Wednesday 27 November in Birmingham, run jointly by the Race Equality Foundation and Age UK, will explore the role of the VCS in delivering better support for BME older people who have dementia.


Better Health, Better Care, and Better Value for all? Health Inequalities in Black and Asian Communities

Taking place on Friday 18 October in the Leggate lecture theatre, VGM, University of Liverpool, from 12noon to 3.15pm, this free event includes lunch, stalls, speakers and discussion.


BME communities, mental health and criminal justice

A new briefing published by the Centre for Mental Health’s Bradley Commission has found that community groups are key to engaging BME groups that are disproportionately represented both in mental health care and in the criminal justice system.


End Racism This Generation launched

Runnymede, the national independent racial equality thinktank, has launched End Racism This Generation, its campaign to raise awareness that race equality and racism are still big problems in Britain.


World Mental Health Day (Inclusion) event - 14 October, Leicester

The Adhar Project will be celebrating World Mental Health day on Monday 14 October with a celebration of World Mental Health Day for BME communities in Leicester.



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