Embedded social inclusion: A framework to support LEP investment strategies for the 2014-20 EU SIF programme
One East Midlands have produced a framework as the basis of a practical methodology for addressing Social Inclusion issues in the next European Union Structural & Investment Funds (SIF) Programme 2014-20.
The guidance is designed for use by the VCS in shaping the sector’s views on social inclusion in relation to local growth. It is intended to support the sector to formulate a response to the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) boards across the East Midlands, to help them develop a considered approach to addressing social exclusion in their EU investment strategy. In doing so it may also be useful or relevant for use by LEPs themselves or by other statutory or civil society partners in identifying the contribution of social inclusion towards growth objectives and achieving inclusive growth across their areas.
In the next programme of the EU SIF, there is a requirement to use a minimum of 20 percent of the value of the European Social Fund (ESF) on projects/activities/interventions that address social exclusion. Each LEP board is required to put forward a plan on how this will be achieved in their Investment and Growth Plan for the EU SIF programme. In addition to this specific requirement there are added economic benefits of considering social inclusion perspectives across other strands of investment activity.
One East Midlands believes a framework approach is required to ensuring social inclusion objectives are achieved in the new programme – in general it is about embedding the principle of social inclusion as well as having SI sit as a distinct strand. In taking this approach this will also support the LEP towards meeting the requirements of the cross-cutting theme on Equality & Diversity.
The framework is available to download here.