Understanding Changes to Public Health
Do you work in any of the following fields?
- Children’s health
- Healthy lifestyles (diet, substances, exercise etc)
- Health screening
- Sexual health
- Community safety
- Social inclusion
If the answer is ‘yes’ then your work has huge overlap with the public health agenda and changes to Public Health structures are likely to affect you. This event is a unique opportunity to find out about those changes. From April 2013 the services listed above and others will transfer from PCT control into Local Authorities. If you work in any of these fields this event will help explain the changes and how you can engage in the future.
Amongst the many changes currently happening within health and social care, the move of public health to local authorities is perhaps the one which offers most opportunity for transformation in service delivery. However, the degree of change has also led to a lack of awareness amongst many in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector of the responsibilities that will be falling under local authority control post April 2013, many of which are a basic VCSE area of focus.
There are two categories of VCSE sector organisation that need to understand the changes:
- Those who undertake “traditional” public health work (e.g. increasing early diagnosis, falls prevention etc.) but have a lack of awareness of the changes and the implications for their organisations
- The wider VCSE, many of whom work to improve public health but may not necessarily class themselves as doing so – organisations that are not “badged” as health e.g. those providing routes into employment, housing, education, access to green spaces etc.
Based on these two categories there is a short-term need to ensure those that will be directly affected in April fully understand the changes and their implications. There is a further longer-term need to ensure that organisations working on the wider determinants of health are clued in and integrated into Duncan Selbie’s vision of addressing the three critical factors in people’s lives – jobs, homes and friends.
Who will this be useful for?
This event is an opportunity for VCSE organisations to learn more about the changes in Public Health, how that change might affect them and how best to engage with the new model.
The event will also be open to East Midlands Public Health teams and local authority colleagues to attend with the aim of increasing shared understanding about the potential for Public Health to be the mechanism for greater focus on preventative health approaches.
The event will:
- Provide practical updates on progress of transition at both national and local level;
- Describe the role of Public Health and how it relates to the VCSE sector and communities;
- Build relationships and contacts between Local Authorities and the VCSE sector around public health themes;
- Consider how ongoing dialogue between the VCSE, local public health teams and PHE should be achieved.
Confirmed speakers
- Dr Rashmi Shukla CBE, Regional Director Designate Public Health England, Midlands & East
- Peter Marks, Director of Public Health, NHS Leicestershire County & Rutland
- Derek Ward, Joint Director of Public Health, NHS Derby City and NHS Derbyshire County
Outline Agenda
Time |
Item |
10am |
Welcome and introduction
10.15am |
Introduction to Public Health England
11am |
Looking local – transition progress so far
12noon |
Discussion groups on key themes including:
1pm |
Closing plenary followed by networking lunch |
To book your place on this event click here and then click on the "register now" button at the top of the page
Cancelation Policy
Space at this event is extremely limited and it is anticipated that a reserve list will be in operation for this event. It is therefore requested that you inform the event organisers as soon as possible if you cannot attend for any reason.
If you book a place and fail to turn up a charge of £25 per delegate will be levied (unless notice is received more than five days prior to the event). Substitutions are allowed.