Wellbeing East - Health & Social Care in the East of England
- Archive issues of the monthly e-bulletin
- Who's Who in the East of England
- Contact Us
- Involvement - East of England Patient and Public Participation Network
- Resources
- NHS Reform
- Health & Social Care Reform and the NHS 5yr Forward View: reconfiguration, integration and new care models in the East
- Sustainability and Transformation Plans - . Midlands and East region
Wellbeing East is the name of Regional Voices Health and Social Network in the East of England.
For further information about Regional Voices visit www.regionalvoices.org
The Wellbeing East Network is open to organisations which:
- work in or with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors;
- have an interest in health and social care issues; and
- operate for the benefit of communities in the East Midlands.
Through the network, organisations have the opportunity to influence regional and national health policy and implementation issues - a key part of the Regional Voices' national project to develop better partnerships between the NHS and the sector.
Wellbeing East also produces a monthly e-bulletin to keep health & social care organisations up-to-date with key regional and national policy issues.
*From the 1st October 2015 Regional Voices' Health & Social Care Networks in the East and East Midlands* (*formerly managed by OEM) are being managed by selfhelp UK
Email wellbeing@selfhelp.org.uk if you would like to join our Wellbeing East network or if you have any news, events or resources you would like to share with network members
Archive issues of the monthly e-bulletin can be downloaded below.
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - March 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - February 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - January 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - December 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - November 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - October 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - September 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - August 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - July 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - May/June 2016
- please note there was no e-bulletin in April 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - March 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - February 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - January 2016
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - December 2015
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - November 2015
- Wellbeing East e-bulletin - October 2015
Who's Who
Along with the other regional organisations that make up Regional Voices; Wellbeing East produces a Who’s Who to support VCS organisations to make contact with people in the new health and care structures in the East of England.
The Wellbeing East Who's Who directory includes clinical commissioning groups, health and wellbeing boards, local Healthwatch organisations, commissioning support units, Care Quality Commission, NHS trusts and directors of adult social services and children’s services.
You can also access the directory at www.oneeastmidlands.org.uk/whoswhoeasthealthsocialcare
Contact us
Please contact Wellbeing East at wellbeing@selfhelp.org.uk or Jayne Quantrill, Health and Wellbeing Coordinator- Wellbeing East at jayne.quantrill@selfhelp.org.uk mobile: 07508490731
IESD Regional Voices: Supporting influence on health and wellbeing boards
Regional Voices, including Wellbeing East, was awarded funding from the Department of Health to support effective VCS engagement with health and wellbeing boards, both where there is a VCS representative and where there isn’t. Supporting influence on health and wellbeing boards project (DH,IESD funded project- 13/14-14/15)
Good practice was shared via events and online networking and developed through a peer learning programme and tracked through surveys. See further details at Supporting Influence for VCS reps on Health & Wellbeing Boards programme
Better Data
Across England a diverse range of third sector organisations are grappling with the need to access ‘Better Data’ in order to develop robust business plans and help inform the design of effective public services of the future.
By use of the term ‘Better Data’ we are making broad reference to any initiative which enables third sector and public sector partners to effectively utilise and share available data, intelligence and evidence for the purposes of business planning, service design and service delivery to meet the assessed need of local populations.
‘Better Data’ initiatives represent a clear ‘Market Development’ opportunity to help stimulate future innovation in the integration, design and delivery of health and wellbeing provision.
In August 2014, One East Midlands and Public Health England published a project review of Better Data: making the third sector business case for health improvement. Prepared by Richard Hazledine, Project Manager, ConnectMore Solutions, and Sarah Hassell, Health Improvement Lead, Public Health England East Midlands, the review can be downloaded here.
Building Evidence report findings: December 2015
This report is the culmination of the strategic partners funded work undertaken in 2014/15 and summarises the development of the ‘Better Data’ agenda across England. The paper presents the key findings from a series of telephone surveys designed to assess the presence health and wellbeing of data sharing between Public Health England and regional third sector infrastructure organisations in each of England’s nine regions.
The surveys revealed pioneering work already taking place between third sector partners and public sector organisations operating at the forefront of health and wellbeing notably in East Midlands, London and Yorkshire and Humber.
This paper presents the findings of this survey and explores how the ‘Better Data’ agenda could be evolved in future and its affinity with two key strategic policy papers namely
- NHS Five Year Forward View (NHS 5YFV)
- PHE Evidence into Action priorities as the part of the on-going drive to reduce health inequalities. (PHE EiAct)
Building Evidence (strategic partners funded work) report findings: December 2015 can also be downloaded at the bottom of the page
Please click here for other health and social care resources One East Midlands has published in our library.
Involvement – East of England Patient and Public Participation Network
Involvement was the name of NHS England’s “Field Force” Patient and Public Participation programme for the Midlands and East region, which looked at new and pioneering approaches to engagement, aimed both at supporting professional and lay experts in the work they do.
In September 2013 NHS England published Transforming Participation in Health & care (www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/trans-part-hc-guid1.pdf) in the guidance there was a key commitment to establish a regional field force to deliver more personalised approaches to healthcare and ensure effective engagement in local communities.
The NHS England ‘field force’ programme aimed to deliver more personalised approaches to health care in the areas of ‘patients in control’ and ‘patient and public participation’. NHS England worked closely with a number of commissioning support units (CSU’s) and regional leads to ensure that the programme can pioneer new ways of working, share good practice and enrich commissioning support services via community connections, especially strong engagement with the voluntary and community sector.
One East Midlands under the umbrella Wellbeing East, worked with Midlands and Lancashire CSU to host the Involvement Patient and Public Participation Network for the East of England. For further information about our involvement click here. This was one of three networks (East of England, East Midlands and West Midlands) in the Involvement programme .
You can find out more about Involvement at www.nhsinvolvement.co.uk
Involvement Insights
Involvement insights offer advice on a range of relevant subjects, from hosting events, to setting up patient and public participation groups, developing surveys and using social media to engage.If you’d like to see guidance developed on a particular topic, please email involvement.mlcsu@nhs.net with your suggestions.
Regional Voices champions the work of voluntary and community organisations to improve health, well-being and care, across England. Regional Voices is a partnership of nine regional networks. Together, we directly connect to over 25,000 voluntary and community organisations. Our coverage is broad, deep and well-established. Our vision is for a society where voluntary and community organisations are connected with decision-makers at all levels, able to influence policy and improve community health, care and well-being through better services.