Young people wanted to help make films about health rights
NCB and the Council for Disabled Children are developing an online resource that will explain the rights in the NHS Constitution to children and young people.
The NHS Constitution sets out the rights people have when using NHS services and as part of an online resource they want to hear from children and young people about their views and experiences of using the NHS.
Young people who have had an experience of the NHS that they think shows the importance of children and young people know their rights when using NHS services and are interested in being filming talking about their experiences, good or bad, should email Andrew Fellowes at
NCB and the Council for Disabled Children would particularly like to talk to young people who have views on any of these areas:
- Being able to use the health services they need, when they need them, and the quality and safety of those services;
- Being treated with respect by health professionals and having things explained to you in way they can understand;
- Being involved in decision making about their care and the health professionals who treat them;
- Being involved in making decisions about the NHS in their area to improve services;
- Being supported to stay healthy and make the transition to adult services; and
- Making a complaint about NHS Services.