Tackling domestic violence and abuse in faith communities training
Taking place on Thursday 14 May from 9am to 4.30pm at Nottingham Conference Centre, this training day is aimed at multi-faith leaders, members of multi-faith communities, statutory service workers, academics and survivors of and professionals working in the field of domestic violence and abuse.
Topics covered at the event will include:
- Complex dynamics affecting adult and child victims in faith and multi-cultural communities;
- Spiritual abuse in the context Of domestic violence and abuse;
- Female genital mutilation in the context of domestic violence and abuse;
- Behavioural patterns and traits of perpetrators;
- Forced marriage in faith and multi-cultural communities;
- Child sexual exploitation;
- The model for tackling domestic violence in faith and multi-cultural communities.
For further information and to book visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tackling-domestic-violence-abuse-in-faith-communities-training-nottingham-tickets-14432278333?aff=eorg.