Health on the margins - Commissioning to tackle health inequalities in Gypsy & Traveller communities
Taking place on Thursday 26 February at Aston University, Birmingham this conference will focus on commissioning outcomes for Gypsies and Travellers.
Gypsy and Traveller people continue to experience significant inequality in healthcare access and outcomes, including low life expectancy, high co-morbidity, poor mental health, and poor infant and maternal outcomes.
Two of the foremost Gypsy and Traveller organisations, Leeds Gypsy & Traveller Exchange and Friends, Families and Travellers, in cooperation with a range of other organisations, have worked together on the National Gypsy and Traveller Health Inclusion Project. Learning from this strategic three-year project, as well as first hand case study experiences, will be shared at this national conference.
Speakers will include:
- Dr Jessica Allen, Deputy Director, Institute of Health Equity, University College London;
- Olivia Butterworth, Head of Patient and Public Voice, NHS England; and
- Dr Anne Marie Connolly, Director of Health Equity and Impact, Public Health England.
The conference will explore ways that improved health and wellbeing outcomes, and reduction of costs associated with health inequality, can be secured via integrated and culturally sensitive commissioning and service provision based on effective local relationships.
The cost of the conference is £114 for small charities with less than 10 employers and £156 for all other delegates. There are also a limited number of free places for small Gypsy and Traveller community organisations.
For further information and to book visit or contact the conference organisers on 0115 916 3104.