D2N2 collaboration project - JET / Community Action / YMCA Derbyshire
Project idea
Serving Derby City's disadvantaged communities JET, Community Action and YMCA Derbyshire aim to build self-confidence, reduce exclusion and provide pathways to employment for these communities. There will be a particular focus on young people and those with multiple and complex problems - addressing cross cutting themes such as health and wellbeing, involving businesses and community development.
JET, Community Action and YMCA Derbyshire are open to discussions with any local Derby provider, any member of Community Action and any primes.
About JET
JET (Jobs, Education and Training) is a BME led grassroots charity operating right in the middle of the three most deprived wards in Derby City. They provide a raft of services, including employment skills, accredited and informal training, welfare advice, ESOL, literacy and numeracy, citizenship, inter-faith activities, health and wellbeing, enterprise coaching, energy efficiency, IT skills, enterprise coaching and experiential activities, to a community of 50,000 people comprising 180 nationalities.
About Community Action
Community Action is a member led support organisation with 850 local VCS members. It offers accredited and non-accredited training and runs a volunteer brokerage service for Derby City's residents and employers. It facilitates and supports networks including The Cities Social Enterprise Network and a Volunteer Coordinators Forum and provides advice and guidance on funding, income maxmisation and policies and procedures for the sector.
About YMCA Derbyshire
YMCA Derbyshire is an independent, registered charity with a combined housing and training provision that enables people who are homeless, socially excluded or disadvantaged to achieve their potential and play a full part in society, regardless of their past experiences or present circumstances. Operating across Derby and Derbyshire, they deliver structured, supported housing services, accredited and non-accredited vocational training, work based learning programmes, youth and children's services and volunteering opportunities.
Contact details
Peter Bartlett: pbartlett@jetderby.co.uk 01332 298553
Kim Harper: kim.harper@communityactionderby.org.uk 01332 346266
Tina Boddington: tinaboddington@ymcaderbyshire.org.uk 01332 579581