Principles of Transformation policy briefing
One East Midlands has published a policy briefing on the principles of transformation in the health and social care sector, summarising the reforms taking place and how the VCS might respond to them.
The combination of a growing and ageing population in the UK, with associated growth in long term health conditions and continued poor lifestyle choices is resulting in the NHS facing greater demand and financial pressures than ever before.
Traditionally the NHS has placed a heavy emphasis on the development of responsive services such as A&E and target acute services. By comparison the development of prevention and early intervention services has arguably remained relatively under developed. The current financial pressures within the health care system highlight the escalating costs of acute service provision and illustrate the need to innovate new services that help people stay independent and healthier for longer. This innovation is needed to avoid expensive hospital admissions, which currently drive significant costs through the health care system.
Wider concerns also exist around the long term problem of integration between health and social care. In recognition of these issues the government has pooled £3.8 billion to transform health and social care so that it is delivered in a more integrated way. This investment will be known as the Better Care Fund. The fund is expected to break down the barriers between health and social care, deliver better person centred services for individuals and lead to better wellbeing outcomes.
To download the full briefing click here.
In connection to the briefing One East Midlands in partnership with Public Health England are also running two events on understanding open health data and intelligence to make the business case for the work of small to medium sized VCS organisations.
For further information and to book onto these free events, which are taking place on Thursday 1 May in Market Harborough and Friday 9 May in Derby City click here.