East Midlands Local Infrastructure Symposium 2014

Wednesday, 9 April, 2014 - 10:00 to 15:00
Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham NG1 3FB

Following the success of last year’s local infrastructure symposium 2013, One East Midlands and BIG Assist are hosting another free joint event for local infrastructure organisations (LIOs) across the East Midlands to look at future directions and new opportunities.

LIOs are continuing to battle through turbulent times, and are working through the mist of local authority budget cuts, NHS reform, changes in policy, whilst trying to work out the best way to demonstrate their value and impact to funders/commissioners.

This event provides another opportunity for LIOs to consider collectively a range of powerful issues currently facing the VCS, as well as an opportunity to discuss and share learning on issues pertinent to VCS infrastructure.

With the growing urgency to fight for the survival of VCS infrastructure, this event also offers space to consider tangible evidence we hold as a collective or that we can collate that demonstrates the impact LIO’s can have in supporting the sector to develop and grow.

Big Assist will be joining us for the event to share their learning so far around the current needs of groups contacting them, the progress of a market-led approach and to enhance their learning around the current pressures facing LIOs in the East Midlands.



Delegates will be able to choose two of the following workshops when you book on to the event.

  • Health and social care – Progress towards integration and transformation.  How and where have VCS infrastructure supported this agenda?
  • Collaboration – What’s actually working? (PM ONLY)
  • EU Structural Funds 2014-20 – How and where are the VCS tapped in?
  • Big data, big impact – Are we using enough open data to help us demonstrate our impact?
  • BIG Assist – Applying for BIG assist support (AM ONLY)



This event is aimed at generic and specialist support providers to the VCS, social enterprise and wider civil society organisations. The event will be appropriate for Trustees, Management Committee members, CEOs, senior managers, funding advisors and development works.


Outcomes and objectives

This event is an opportunity for LIOs to share views on current issues facing themselves and the wider VCS. There will also be an opportunity to develop thinking and respond to current and future challenges as well as future opportunities focusing on:

  • The development of planned responses to social issues;
  • Understanding tools and techniques to help demonstrate the impact of our work and the wider VCS; and
  • Building awareness of future opportunities for LIOs.

There will also be plenty of opportunity to meet new faces and reacquaint with others – sharing your expertise and experiences.


How to book

To book on to this free event click here and then on the “Register Now” button.

For further information about the event email office@one-em.org.uk or telephone 0115 934 8471.


Cancellation policy

Space at this event is extremely limited and it is anticipated that a reserve list will be in operation for this event. It is therefore requested that you inform the event organisers as soon as possible if you cannot attend for any reason.

If you book a place and do not attend a charge of £25 per delegate will be levied (unless notice is received more than five days prior to the event at which point we will also refund your booking). Substitutions are allowed.

One East Midlands / Big Assist
0115 934 8471