LankellyChase Foundation

The LankellyChase Foundation, which distributed over £5million last year, have launched an open call for project ideas.

Their mission is to bring about change to improve the lives of people facing severe and multiple disadvantage and they believe that:

  • Many of the services that are supposed to help people operate look at each need on its own rather than responding to the whole person and that this needs to change;
  • Services are too often set up to respond to crisis rather than preventing problems developing in the first place;
  • There is a need to address the lack of power and influence in the hands of people facing severe and multiple disadvantage;
  • People facing severe and multiple disadvantage are often excluded from the market; and
  • Certain discriminated-against groups face even greater disadvantage and this needs to be brought to light and addressed.

There are no deadlines, and no set grant amounts, but most are in the range £10,000 - £50,000.

For further information, including how to apply, visit