Manifesto for children, young people and families

In July Children England launched their plans for a process for their members to co-create a manifesto for children, young people and families ahead of the 2015 election.

This will culminate at Children England’s annual conference on Thursday 27 February 2014 where, with one member one vote on every shortlist of potential policies, the contents of the manifesto will be chosen directly by the sector. 

They are now starting the first stage of this process and inviting their members to submit their policy suggestions under the following headings:

  • Overarching, including cross-cutting issues such as childhood, poverty and rights;
  • Schools;
  • Health;
  • Families and family life;
  • Early years;
  • Youth;
  • Justice;
  • Special educational needs and disabilities;
  • Looked after children;
  • Benefits and housing; and
  • Refugees and migrants.

Children England members may submit as many policy suggestions under as many themes as they choose. All will be considered by the policy working groups.

To submit suggestions before the deadline of Friday 1 November visit

For further information on the manifesto visit and on the manifesto process visit