One East Midlands coordinating response to Gift Aid and Digital Giving consultation - 6 SEPTEMBER DEADLINE
One East Midlands is coordinating a response on behalf of its members and the VCS in the East Midlands to HM Treasury’s Gift Aid and Digital Giving consultation, which is open to Friday 20 September.
The consultation seeks views on specific proposals about the administration of Gift Aid, in particular changes to the Gift Aid declaration, allowing non-charity intermediaries a greater role in operating Gift Aid, a universal Gift Aid declaration database, and other barriers charities may experience in attracting Gift Aid on donations.
The HM Treasury consultation is open to Friday 20 September. In our consultation summary we have drawn out the key elements of the consultation and the questions we would like your responses to.
To give us time to collate our response to the consultation, please provide your responses by email to or post to Claire Chapman, Information and Membership Officer, One East Midlands, 7 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FB, by Friday 6 September.
To read the full consultation paper visit