Drama training for newly arrived migrants

Two of the challenges which affect many newly arrived migrants are a lack of language skills and a lack of basic knowledge of financial matters. INTEGRA has developed an Integration Kit, which includes the outlines of six workshops that use drama to develop language skills for dealing with financial matters.

The titles, which include Opening a Bank Account and Negotiating Payments for Accommodation and are designed to be worked through chronologically, allowing learners to build up their vocabulary, increase their knowledge of financial matters and engage with one another. Each session includes scripted role-plays and opportunities to improvise scenarios using key words and phrases covered during the session.

The project has been piloted in London with Somali and Afghan migrant groups and results showed students acquired meaningful, fluent interactions incorporating correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation as a result of the contextualised and interactive approach. In addition to increased accuracy in speech, as a result of using vocabulary in context, there was also an improved sense of confidence reported by participants.

INTEGRA, which is partly funded by the European Union, is offering its training kit, free to any organisation, community group, or group of individuals wishing to try it.

To download the kit, alongside various support materials, visit http://integra-project.eu and click on Learning Materials. To request a CD version of the kit contact the project partner DHE Solutions Ltd through their website at www.dhesolutions.co.uk.

For further information on the project contact David Evans at DHE Solutions by email at davidhevans@btconnect.com or telephone on 01524 842737.
