Up to £50,000 to help volunteer centres innovate
Following discussions between Volunteering England and Nesta, the Minister for Civil Society has announced a new strand of the Innovation in Giving fund, which will support accredited volunteer centres to develop new ways to encourage the giving of time.
Over the course of nine months, starting in April 2013, the programme will offer financial support, of up to £50,000 per volunteer centre, and practical support to approximately ten volunteer centres. Coaches will work with them to help maintain their focus on innovation and Nesta will also put in place capacity to track impact and evaluate progress.
For further information visit www.nesta.org.uk/areas_of_work/public_services_lab/giving/assets/features/volunteer_centre_programme_call_for_ideas.
Two workshops will take place on 21st January in Birmingham and 23rd January in Manchester to answer questions about the programme, provide recent examples of innovations in giving and help develop ideas. For further information visit http://volunteeringengland.eventbrite.co.uk.