
Displaying 51 - 60 of 881

Charity urges five-year plan on NEETs

The Government must develop a cross-departmental strategy to improve careers advice and school-to-work transitions if it is to prevent tens of thousands of young people becoming NEET over the next five years, a charity has warned.

Building Better Opportunities

One East Midlands, on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund in the D2N2 LEP area, is raising awareness within the voluntary and community and social enterprise sector of the opportunities available through the European Social Fund.

Online abuse and bullying prevention guide

This guide is for professionals working with young people.

Independent report: Helping people with mental health problems find work

Report on the pilot of a scheme to help people with mental health problems, who are claiming Employment Support Allowance, find paid work. 

Improving mental health services for young people

Report of the work of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Taskforce.

Mapping Women Social Entrepreneurs in Europe

A short survey for social enterprises, looking at the state of women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe, is being carried out by the European Women’s Lobby, the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union.


Finance updates for small charities

Charity Finance Group has published its latest Small Charities Finance Update, with information on financial best practice and insights from finance professionals.


Voting and registering to vote: an easy read guide

The Royal Mencap Society has developed an easy-to-read guide about voting and registering to vote.


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