
Displaying 161 - 170 of 881

Affordable housing in the East Midlands

House prices in only 24 percent of local authority areas in the East Midlands are affordable for local people, according to new analysis published by the TUC.


Proposed EU data protection rules

Proposed EU data protection rules could destroy mailing lists relied on by charity fundraisers, and would present “the biggest challenge in fundraising for a generation”, according to a report published by marketing agency Medialab.

One East Midlands 2014 MEP Guide

Following the success of our first annual East Midlands MEP Guide, One East Midlands are now publishing our second East Midlands MEP Guide, featuring updated information following the May 2014 European elections.

Review of charity mergers for 2013/14

Four percent of people working in the charity sector were involved in a merger last year, according to a new study of mergers in the sector.

Average income of charities rose by four percent

The average annual income of registered charities in England and Wales rose by four per cent over the past year to £391,000 according to data from the Charity Commission.

Police and crime commissioners survey

In the run up to the second anniversary of the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners, CLINKS would like your help to understand more about how they are working to address local community safety needs and how they are engaging with the voluntary sector.

Income from wills increases

Charity income from gifts in wills has grown by almost 10 percent over the past year, the highest rate since 2008, according to data from Legacy Foresight.

Charity sector workforce increases to over 900,000

The number of people working in charities went up by 26,000 in accounts and annual returns filed in the year to June 2014 with the Charity Commission.

Cipfa to provide secretariat to Sorp committee

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy will now provide the secretariat to the committee, which advises on the Statement of Recommended Practice governing charity accountancy.

New Direct Marketing Association code of practice

The Direct Marketing Association’s new code of practice, which comes into force on 18 August, will encourage charities to avoid calling people at anti-social times and urge them to take responsibility above and beyond compliance with the law.


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