EMVY Network Forum Event 2013: Young People and Health - 23 October, Nottingham
Booking is now open for this exciting event taking place on Wednesday 23 October from 10am to 3.30pm at Nottingham Voluntary Action Centre.
The event, which is free for EMVY* (East Midlands Voluntary Youth) Network members (one person per organisation) and an additional person aged 14 to 25 per EMVY member, and is an opportunity for voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations across the East Midlands with an interest in young people to share learning and experience, including:
- Understanding the new health and social care landscape - What has changed and how can the VCS engage;
- Positive actions for young people - A summary of national support available, current research and good practice examples;
- Action into practice - Examples from the region;
- Building the voice of young people in health and social care - National and local activity on this agenda; and
- Facilitating discussions with clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), Public Health and Healthwarch - How we can work together for better outcomes for young people.
We are delighted to welcome the following speakers to this event:
- Bev Taylor - Regional Voices Policy Lead on Public Health, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Healthwatch;
- Juliet Hillier - Deputy Chief Executive of Brook, on behalf of the Young People's Health Partnership;
- Sophie Contractor - Head of Programmes at Changemakers;
- Ben Anderson - Consultant in Public Health at Derby City Council; and
- ...a range of good practice examples from organisations across the region.
The outcomes of this event will include:
- Being better equipped to understand and engage with the new health and social care landscape;
- Learning from research and practice around the health of young people including hints and tips;
- Improving the way the VCS articulates the contribution of its work to improve positive health outcomes; and
- Sharing practical models for the engagement of young people in health commissioning and shaping mechanisms for this to happen in the region.
There will also be an opportunity to meet new faces and reacquaint with others, sharing your expertise and knowledge.
To book your place visit https://emvyevent2013.eventbrite.co.uk.
This event is free for EMVY members (one place only) and a maximum of one additional person aged 14 to 25 per EMVY member. Please note that EMVY members must be responsible for their young person during the event.
There is a small charge for additional EMVY members and non-EMVY members** and health professionals*** which will cover lunch. One East Midlands will invoice you after you have booked your place.
If you are unsure if your organisation is a member of EMVY visit www.oneeastmidlands.org.uk/emvymembers or contact Claire Chapman, Information and Membership Officer, at emvy@one-em.org.uk or on 0115 934 8471.
The EMVY network is free to join. For further information on the network and to apply visit www.oneeastmidlands.org.uk/emvy and download, complete and return the application form within 24 hours of booking on to this event. If we do not receive your completed application form or you do not meet the eligibility criteria for membership**** we will charge you full price for this event.
Space at this event is extremely limited and it is anticipated that a reserve list will be in operation for this event. It is therefore requested that you inform the event organisers as soon as possible if you cannot attend for any reason so that we can offer your place to someone on the waiting list. Refunds will only be given if three clear working days notice is received of cancellation.
For further information on this event email emvy@one-em.org.uk.