Welcome to our monthly Reach and Impact European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) e-bulletin. If you have any comments or would like to sign up to receive this e-bulletin, please get in touch by emailing information@one-em.org.uk.
Reach & Impact project comes to an end
Many of you are already aware that the ERDF Reach and Impact project is coming to its closing stages (project end date 30th September 2015). We will probably squeeze one final ERDF e-bulletin in September, however there is still plenty of information to share through this edition of the e-bulletin. The team at One East Midlands would like to thank all the key stakeholders that have provided input and engaged with the project. Thanks also to our colleague Alex Archibald for her valuable work on the project. Alex was the ERDF project officer since December 2014, and has recently left us for a full time post at the University of Leicester.
Evaluation of the Reach & Impact project
We are currently evaluating the Reach and Impact project at the moment through Survey Monkey. Thank you to all of those that have already completed the survey. We would appreciate as many of you who came along to our ERDF Reach and Impact workshops session or engaged with the project to complete the survey. Please click on the link below to complete the survey. CLOSING DATE for responses 21st August
Equalities – Lessons Learnt from 2007-13
We recently held our final project event, focusing on Equalities – Lessons Learnt from (ERDF) 2007-13. Following this event there will be a report building upon the earlier ERDF Equalities/Diversity research that we jointly carried out with DCLG and TREC that helped to inform this event. The event was well attended with key stakeholders helping to shape the discussions and the follow-up report. Further information will follow in September so please keep an eye out for our ERDF communications.
Insight magazine
We thought it was important that at this stage of the project, and programme, to reflect on the valuable work carried out through VCS ERDF projects in the 2007-13 programme, as well as the usual updates. Below is the link to our latest, and final, (ERDF) Insight Magazine that includes a number of VCS ERDF Case studies. Thank you again for all contributors to this edition.
National Growth programme updates
As always please find below the links to the National Growth programme updates. Going forward we recommend that if you haven’t already done so to subscribe to these essential ESIF ERDF programme bulletins.
Follow this link to register for updates from the National Growth programme: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=38c419b74d4bb7775b5dcb565&id=bd64b218c1&e=3a84fcef1d
The Minister for Local Growth and Northern Powerhouse, James Wharton MP has announced the official launch of the 20140-20 European Regional Development Fund programme. To mark the launch, the Minister began by visiting the National Composite Centre in Bristol; a project from the 2007-13 programme which received £9 million ERDF from the South West programme, then toured the Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. This was then followed by a lunchtime media call in Bristol city centre and a meeting with West of England Local Enterprise Partnership.
The launch has been supported by a range of related activity, including:
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**The Wellbeing East and Wellbeing East Midlands Networks are managed by Self Help UK as part of Regional Voices. Regional Voices is a nationwide partnership of regional voluntary sector networks which champions and supports the involvement of local voluntary and community organisations in developing policy and designing and delivering health services across England. We have been part of the Health and Care Strategic Partnership Programme, which enables the voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to work in equal partnership with the Department of Health (DH), NHS England and Public Health England (PHE), since 2009. The e-bulletins remain hosted on the OEM website
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