Welcome to our monthly Reach and Impact European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) e-bulletin. If you have any comments or would like to sign up to receive this e-bulletin, please get in touch by emailing information@one-em.org.uk.
We seem to be coming to the ‘business end’ of the new ESIF ERDF programme, and the ERDF Reach and Impact project is still ensuring that the VCS can get ‘plugged’ into opportunities in the new programme. Here at One East Midlands, we know it has been frustrating at times for the VCS, particularly with the delayed start and the initially limited opportunities being made available through the forthcoming planned March ERDF call; however we are working closely with the LEPs and DCLG to support VCS access through key stakeholders. We know many of you are interested in the non-ERDF ESIF elements and have been engaging with local VCS infrastructure, including ourselves with D2N2, but please do keep an eye on our ERDF communications to get the latest on any new opportunities that may also be relevant to you.
If you are interested in accessing ESIF (ERDF) through direct calls rather than opt-ins, it is also important that you subscribe to the ESIF Growth programme 2014-20 partner update which will announce these details here.
On behalf of DCLG, One East Midlands and East Midlands Councils ran the very successful ERDF Annual Information Event in Leicester on 24th February. With a fantastic turnout, the event delivered informative presentations on the Lessons Learnt in the previous Programme, provided useful links to key stakeholders for potential collaboration and presented the latest information on future opportunities.
But don’t worry if you missed out! As those who attended would have noticed, we video recorded the all of the main Speaker Presentations and many of the Workshops, plus the presentations will also be made available. We are in the process of editing down the videos taken on the day, so that they are available in more manageable sections. These will be uploaded, in conjunction with the presentations, to the One East Midlands website as soon as this process is complete.
On 27th March, One East Midlands and East Midlands Councils are delivering a half day workshop outlining the SME Competitiveness theme of the forthcoming ERDF call in March. Many of the LEPs will be in attendance, providing up to date information of the priorities in their areas. This workshop sold out rapidly, but to ensure we can get the information to as many potentially eligible projects we will also be publishing any presentations on the One East Midlands Website.
Once again, we understand that this call is frustratingly limited in its reach, but don’t forget there are proposed further calls on the way.
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**The Wellbeing East and Wellbeing East Midlands Networks are managed by Self Help UK as part of Regional Voices. Regional Voices is a nationwide partnership of regional voluntary sector networks which champions and supports the involvement of local voluntary and community organisations in developing policy and designing and delivering health services across England. We have been part of the Health and Care Strategic Partnership Programme, which enables the voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to work in equal partnership with the Department of Health (DH), NHS England and Public Health England (PHE), since 2009. The e-bulletins remain hosted on the OEM website
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