Welcome to our monthly Reach and Impact European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) e-bulletin. If you have any comments or would like to sign up to receive this e-bulletin, please get in touch by emailing information@one-em.org.uk.
Alex Archibald joins Reach & Impact project
We are delighted to welcome Alex Archibald to the Reach & Impact project as our new Project Officer. For further information on Alex, who started with us on Monday 1 December click here. To contact Alex email aarchibald@one-em.org.uk.
ERDF Annual Information Event – Hold the date
The 2015 ERDF Annual Information Event will be taking place in Leicester on Tuesday 24 February. Bookings will be open at the beginning of January and details will be circulated but in the meantime please hold the date.
Resource page
We have launched a new resource page containing links to useful information about ERDF funding and the work of the Reach & Impact project. The page, contains a series of buttons linked to resources on applying for ERDF funding; hints and tips; jargon buster; case studies; archive events; project management; financial management; monitoring and evaluation; collaboration; understanding your local economy; and LEPs. If you have any relevant resources you would like including in the resource page email clairechapman@one-em.org.uk.
HM Government ESIF Partner Updates
HM Government ESIF Partner Update aims to keep you up to speed on the developments of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme for 2014 to 2020. To download the most recent ESIF Growth Partner Update visit http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=38c419b74d4bb7775b5dcb565&id=9fb0051127.
National timetable
In December the following national activities were/have taken place:
To view more of the activities on the national timetable visit www.oneeastmidlands.org.uk/reachandimpact#2014-20%20timetable.
Last but not least…
Our Project Manager Chris Hill has produced a Christmas quiz in his Reach & Impact blog. Read it now at http://reachandimpact.blogspot.com/2014/12/reach-impact-christmas-quiz.html.
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You are receiving this as a member of our network. Please feel free to share this e-bulletin or any of the information in it with your members and contacts. If you have something you would like us to publicise that’s of regional interest to the network, you can email us at wellbeing@selfhelp.org.uk.
If you no longer wish to receive this bulletin you can unsubscribe here.
**The Wellbeing East and Wellbeing East Midlands Networks are managed by Self Help UK as part of Regional Voices. Regional Voices is a nationwide partnership of regional voluntary sector networks which champions and supports the involvement of local voluntary and community organisations in developing policy and designing and delivering health services across England. We have been part of the Health and Care Strategic Partnership Programme, which enables the voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to work in equal partnership with the Department of Health (DH), NHS England and Public Health England (PHE), since 2009. The e-bulletins remain hosted on the OEM website
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