D2N2 LEP recruiting Inclusion representatives to Advisory Boards
Are you an experienced leader working in social inclusion? The Third Sector Inclusion Group is recruiting inclusion representatives on behalf of D2N2.
D2N2 LEP is committed to ensuring that the work of the Partnership and the investments it brings benefit all aspects of our communities and drives social inclusion and equalities.
The organisation is looking to recruit representatives for the following Boards:
- Place Board (2 positions available with 1 reserved for VCSE organisations)
The place board is designed to facilitate and support the development of approaches to enhance the overall quality of place across D2N2, ensuring that it remains a great place to live, work, and visit.
- People and Skills Board (1 position reserved for VCSE organisations and 1 inclusion representative position already filled by the LEP Board VCSE rep)
The People and Skills Board will develop, implement, and oversee the delivery the People and Skills element of the Strategic Economic Plan and to act as the Skills Advisory Panel for D2N2. The Board will also lead the development of the People element of the Local Industrial Strategy for D2N2.
- Business Growth Board (1 position available)
The Business Growth Board will contribute to the D2N2 Strategic Economic Plan ambition that by 2030 D2N2 will have a world class innovation-led, highly productive economy with a global reputation for manufacturing excellence.
- Innovation Board (1 position available)
The Innovation Board will be responsible for developing a strategic and coordinated approach to innovation activities, which support and drive forward D2N2’s economic growth ambitions as articulated in the Strategic Economic Plan and Science & Innovation Audit.
- Investment Board (1 position)
To oversee on behalf of the D2N2 LEP Board (“the LEP Board”) the management of all funding pots delegated to the LEP, including the Local Growth Fund, Growing Places Fund, Enterprise Zone Business Rates Uplift reallocation or any other relevant funding streams across the administrative areas of Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
These roles are voluntary but will play a key part in ensuring that social inclusion and equalities are at the heart of the LEP’s work.
We are seeking leaders who are prepared to make a commitment and act as a conduit for the voice of local communities; ensuring the embedding of inclusion principles or as a voice for the third sector where applicable. For more information on the role of these Boards please go to the D2N2 website: http://www.d2n2lep.org/write/D2N2_LEP_board_papers_-_January_22_2019.pdf.
The process for recruitment will be by expression of interest (no longer than 2 sides of A4) and interview. In your expression of interest please set out which of the Boards you would be interested in and what skills and experience you would bring to the role.
All expressions of interest should be emailed to recruitment@nottinghamcvs.co.uk by Friday 31 May 2019. Interview date to be confirmed.
Please view the recruitment documents for role description: https://www.oneeastmidlands.org.uk/D2N2_InclusionRepresentative_Recruitment_2019