Introduction to EU Structural and Investment Funds programme 2014-20 – Post event page
Organised by One East Midlands ERDF Reach & Impact project, this workshop, which took place in Grantham on Wednesday 2 July, provided a basic introduction and clear overview of the role of local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) and the structure of the next EU Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) programme.
The workshop provided a basic level of understanding for small VCS organisations that hadn’t accessed this funding before and would be interested in potentially applying for funding when the programme opens or influencing how investments are made locally.
To download the presentation from the workshop click here.
Below you will find information mentioned at the workshop in relation to the LEPs, starting with the LEP EU Structural & Investment Fund strategies. For further information on all of the LEPs visit
- D2N2 EU Structural & Investment Fund Strategy May 2014
- LLEP EU Structural & Investment Fund Strategy (draft January 2014)
- GLLEP EU Structural & Investment Fund Strategy (draft January 2014)
- NEP EU Structural & Investment Fund Strategy (draft January 2014)
- SEMLEP LLEP EU Structural & Investment Fund Strategy 31 May 2014
To find information on the priority areas for each LEP, including a list of individuals within the VCS who are interested in working in partnership to deliver collaborative projects within the priority area, visit:
The contacts leading on VCS/LEP engagement in each LEP area are:
- D2N2 – Rob Crowder, Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire -
- GLLEP – Ben Barley, Involving Lincs -
- LLEP – Heather Roytherne-Finch, Voluntary Action Leicestershire -
- NEP – Jane Carr, Northampton Volunteer Centre -
- SEMLEP – Jane Roemer, LEP board member –
Big Lottery Fund Match Funding
Subject to approval from the European Commission later this year, Big Lottery Fund is in talks to put up £260million of lottery funds against a similar figure from the 2014-2020 European Structural & Investment Fund Growth Programme for (TO9 – Social Inclusion) in order to support communities and those in need across England.
The funding will be delivered in LEP areas according to local priorities, which have been set by the LEPs, but could support projects ranging from improving employability for the most disadvantaged, helping those with multiple and complex needs, or improving financial literacy.
Ahead of the main funding becoming available next year, Big Lottery Fund is expecting to offer Lottery development funding over the next few months in each of the LEP areas we are working with. This money will help to bring together local VCSE organisations to start developing collaborative bids.
Big Lottery Fund is currently working closely with LEP Area Partnerships, government and VCSE partners to develop plans, and will release more details in due course.
For further information visit