Displaying 21 - 30 of 172

The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary and community sector (VCS) is hugely diverse and this section aims to bring together resources and information for the BME VCS. There is no one definition of a black and minority ethnic voluntary and community organisation (BME VCO). The BME voluntary and community sector is hugely diverse and whilst some organisations are quite clearly a part of the BME voluntary and community sector (like those delivering services to a targeted community), others sit more on the margin.

For some leadership and self determination is a defining factor, for others it is the drive to work with parts of the BME community suffering deprivation, exclusion and poverty. Some add it is not only who they work with but how they work with them.

Friendly Places

Managed by FaithAction, Friendly Places aims to helps faith groups to recognise that they have the capacity to provide places of support and acceptance for those struggling with mental health issues.


Social Services Support for Destitute Migrant Families

The Public Law Project has published a guide to assist VCS organisations working with destitute migrant families to identify which families can access support from social services.


European survey of healthcare of migrants communities

Open to all migrants, the aMASE community study is an online survey focusing on the barriers to accessing health care for migrant communities.


Call for evidence on religion and belief issues

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a major call for evidence to collect first hand experiences from individuals and organisations about how their religion or belief, or that of other people, have affected them in the workplace and in using the services and facilities they need in everyday life.


Diversity in the charity sector

An analysis of ethnicity in senior positions in top 50 charities by Third Sector magazine has shown a bias towards white men.


Faith Groups and Hate Crime

Communities Inc has recently developed and published a faith and hate crime brochure designed to support faith groups in taking action against hate crime.


The Impact of International Migration on the East Midlands

East Midlands Councils has launched a major report on the impact of international migration on the East Midlands, which uses official data and analysis commissioned from Nottingham Trent University.


Safe Network regional meeting – Thursday 6 November, Nottingham

The Safe Network is inviting voluntary and community sector organisations to attend their regional network meeting at Nottingham CVS on Thursday 6 November from 10am to 1pm, which will focus on BME communities and multi-faith safeguarding.


Black Youth Achievement Awards 2014

Nominations for the Black Youth Achievement 2014 Awards, a national celebration of black youth achievements in the UK, reflecting personal endeavours and their invaluable contribution to the community, are now open.


Research matchmaker

The Asylum Network has launched a new website, entitled the The Research Matchmaker, on a trial basis.



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