Social Inclusion Policy Forum

The Social Inclusion Policy Forum (SIPF) is an initiative of One EM to provide a forum where policy and decision makers, Social Inclusion project practitioners and people experiencing exclusion can share information and experience, debate issues, draw lessons and develop new and more effective and practical responses to Social Exclusion in the region.

Social Inclusion was chosen as a priority policy area by One EM members at a Conference on 30th June 2008. Following internal discussion a VCS Social Inclusion Policy Champion was elected for the region in December 2008. That Champion is Laurie Moran, who is CEO of CEFET, another regional Infrastructure body focusing on the European Social Agenda.

The SIPF is constructed so that there are equal voices from strategists and policy makers, front-line, mainly VCS, project practitioners and people experiencing exclusion and poverty themselves. This last group are organised by a CEFET project called the Grass Roots Network (GRN) which brings together people acting on their own initiative in excluded communities. For more information contact One EM,

Terms of Reference

Report from Inaugural Meeting