Is your organisation Carbon Monoxide aware?

Does your organisation employ staff and engage volunteers to support older people in their own home? Do you train and brief them to be carbon monoxide (CO) aware? Few organisations do and that’s one reason why the Gas Safe Charity is running its “Think CO” project.

We have been working with a wide range of charities to help them build the ‘Think CO’ message into their on going training and induction.  For the organisations themselves, the benefits of the briefing are clear. It helps protect their clients and demonstrates a ‘duty of care’ to their volunteers and staff. The learning is provided from the perspective of the workers and emphasises the symptoms, causes and what to do if you suspect CO might be a risk factor.

If you are interested in learning more (even if you don’t provide services in the home) there is a simple process to follow.  

You can contact the charity on and we can email you a free 15 minute PowerPoint presentation, a script, handout, poster and a generic article for your own newsletter or magazine.