Creative Collisions Conference – 6 November

Taking place from 9am to 5pm on Wednesday 6 November in London, the Creative Collisions Conference is a joint conference providing an opportunity to learn, share and come together to create positive ways to support young people in the UK today.

Partners in the event include NCVYS, National Youth Agency, vInspired, UK Youth, LEAP, The Foyer Foundation, National Union of Students and London Youth. Each partner will run their own events, which attendees can choose from to attend during the day, as well as participating in joint sessions.

Confirmed speakers at the event, which is aimed at youth workers, volunteers and young people, are Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society, and Toni Pearce, NUS President.

To book onto the event, which costs £20 for charity representatives and has a limited number of free places available for under 25s, visit