Health Literacy Awareness for Primary Care - post event page

As part of the Regional Voices Department of Health Voluntary Sector Strategic Partnership, One East Midlands and Wellbeing East, hosted two Health Literacy awareness sessions in Nottingham on 30 September and Huntingdon on 8 October.

Why was the training needed?

“Many of the practitioners who work with people with lower levels of health literacy are unaware of the impacts that this has on them and consequently feel frustrated and disappointed when their patients do not follow their advice. They often fail to recognise the signs that people do not understand what they have been told because they have not been trained to recognise them” Community Health and Learning Foundation

Delivered by the Community Health and Learning Foundation; Health Literacy Awareness for Primary Care was aimed at CCG board members, GPs, practice nurses, practice managers, practice reception staff, CCG staff and those staff working in Commissioning Support Units with a particular role in supporting CCG Commissioning and Quality outcomes

The interactive and reflective sessions helped delegates to define what is meant by Health Literacy; where it sits in the current policy context; its impacts on current practice and services and what changes can be made at both at a practice and a wider service level.

The sessions included group discussions on what makes a health literate service, where health literacy can impact on everyday practice and what individuals do about it, as well as providing examples of resources that already exist to support such changes.


26 delegates from a range of backgrounds, including staff from GP practices, CCGs, HealthWatch, local authorities, pharmacies and NHS England took advantage of these free workshops and feedback from the two days were very positive:

“Brilliant meeting, it should be a must for all doctors, nurses and managers” (GP practice)

“Really good training – would be great to have more of these and have more clinicians [attend]” (NHS England)

 “Very important message that I hope reaches a large proportion of health professionals that are patient facing or in communication teams for trusts, services, CCGs, etc” (Healthwatch)

I will get health literacy on the next PPI committee agenda” (CCG)

Presentations and resources

Information, presentations and resources from the event are available below.


For further information on the Community Health & Learning Foundation visit or contact Jonathan Berry, Director, at or Janet Solla, Director, at

For further information on Wellbeing East visit or contact Jayne Quantrill, Health and Wellbeing Coordinator at